Frequently Asked Questions

What is a porchfest?

A porchfest is a community music festival featuring musical acts from a variety of genres playing free shows on porches throughout the neighborhood. Hosts and artists are all volunteering to help bring music to the community.

When is it? Is there a Rain Date?

Providence Porchfest is Saturday, June 8, from 12:00 PM to 6:00 PM and is a rain-or-shine event held entirely outside. There is no rain date, so please plan accordingly (umbrellas, sunscreen, sufficient water, etc.)

We are a band — what can we expect?

Unfortunately, there are no funds available to compensate bands. However, you may collect tips, and/or sell merchandise/music.

We ask that artists plan to play for 30 minutes. Often we have a tight schedule to accommodate several acts that may be nearby, so this policy is to prevent bands playing over each other.

Once you’re confirmed on our schedule, you will be listed on our website with a link to your music.

What can I expect if I’m a host?

You provide a porch, driveway, or front yard for your musical performers. Hosts provide access to electrical power and general hospitality for musicians, but are NOT expected to accommodate spectators in any manner.

We hope you’ll help the event by informing (and inviting!) your neighbors about your participation. We schedule artists in 30-minute blocks to avoid competing music in congested areas. 

Also, per request of both the Providence Police and Fire departments, it is important that you help keep streets clear in case of an emergency.

Once you and your band/musician have been scheduled, you’ll get:
(1) A listing of the performer(s) and time(s) on our website and other promotional materials, and (2) Inclusion of your location in our permit for this event from the City of Providence.

so there’s no cost to attend, but can’t I do something to contribute?

First off, just coming out to see the musicians is a great help — we hope you can get to as many as possible! If you enjoy the music, do consider supporting the bands — some will collect tips or sell merchandise, others have upcoming shows you can check out. You can also help the host keep the neighborhood tidy and free of street congestion.

What about Food? Drinks? bathrooms? Are those available at Porchfest?

Not at host locations, so please consider visiting the many coffee shops, bakeries, and take-out restaurants on the East Side!

Is there a map for all these performances?

Yes, there will be one for 2024 likely published near the end of May. You can see last year’s 2023 map at this Map page.

Who’s organizing this event?

Providence Porchfest has been coordinated by a small volunteer group of neighborhood residents. We appreciate all of your support and patience as we do our best to keep this event running smoothly. We can’t wait to get out and enjoy some music with everyone! You can reach us at